PAT’S PROJECTS are based around making and using a Picaxe 14M2 Programmable microcontroller. These projects (and many more) were developed by Pat McMahon – a (now retired) Senior Technology teacher at Diamond Valley College in Melbourne. Over more than 10 years, Pat has taught microcontrollers and programming to thousands of students from year 7 to 10 as well as hundreds of technology teachers – usually through DATTA Vic. Workshops. Pat has been fortunate to have shown his students’ work overseas, and has received 5 Australian, State and Regional awards for Innovation and Excellence.

Scorpio Technology are very pleased to work with Pat and to be able to make this (introductory) range of Pat’s Projects available to many more teachers around Australia, who can gain the benefits of Pat’s work and knowledge.

  • The basic unit is a Microcontroller which has 10 LEDs and a piezo buzzer. This allows the students to make the microcontroller and program a “Lights and Sounds” display.

  • Once the microcontroller has been made, the same microcontroller can then be used to run a number of different projects – these are all ADD-ONs that allow the student to remove the LEDs and reuse the microcontroller to run e.g. The Hexapod, the Animated Disc or the Robot Buggy. The ADD-ONs will ONLY WORK with a microcontroller – not on their own.

  • All of the Add On projects will run by programming the Microcontroller using the Free (downloadable) Picaxe Editor.

  • A Picaxe Download cable (PICUCAB) IS REQUIRED to download programs from your computer & can be purchased from us.

  • All of the kits can also be controlled using an Infra-Red remote - by getting the Infra-Red Add-On kit.


Pat’s Microcontroller (1-2 hours)


Click here for teaching unit Overview

PAT’S 14M2 MICROCONTROLLER  kit is an introductory PICAXE 14 pin Microcontroller. It is aimed at introducing programming to younger students, however, it is also capable of performing complex tasks enabling the construction of sophisticated projects once its operation is understood. It is a complete unit on its own, with 10 LEDs and a Piezo sounder.

PAT’S 14M2 MICROCONTROLLERhas the added advantage that it can be used to control a variety of “add-on” projects, for example the Animated LED Disc and the Hexapod Robot.


Pat’s Microcontroller - No LEDs and Buzzer (1-2 hours)


Click here for teaching unit Overview

PAT’S 14M2 MICROCONTROLLER without the 10 LEDs and Piezo sounder.  Ideal for use with the ADD ON PROJECTS.


The following kits will ONLY operate with PAT’S MICROCONTROLLERS (NOT on their own), but do NOT include a Microcontroller - these are ADD ON PROJECTS for using with PAT’S MICROCONTROLLER


Animated Disc (1-4 hours)


Click here for teaching unit Overview

This project – the ANIMATED LED DISC is an Add-on project that is designed to be used with PAT’S 14M2 MICROCONTROLLER. 

It is aimed at expanding the students’ knowledge and experience of programming that was introduced by building the microcontroller. This kit replaces the 10 LEDs supplied in the original kit, by making a mountable display that has 10 arms (6 LEDs per arm).

The kit consists of an On-Off switch and 60 LEDs in 5 different colours, to be arranged in 10 rows. When the disc has been completed the Microcontroller can be programmed to have each row illuminate separately, flash through the rows in sequence or however the designer chooses to program it.


Basketball Counter (4-10 hours)


This project – PAT’S BASKETBALL COUNTER is an Add-on project that is designed to be used with PAT’S 14M2 MICROCONTROLLER

It is aimed at expanding the students’ knowledge and experience of programming that was introduced by building the microcontroller. This kit uses a 7 Segment display to indicate the number of points scored using a practice basketball game. 

This disc can be programmed for manual control, or can be controlled by use of PAT’S INFRA RED Add-on kit.

This kit consists of an indoor Basketball set (Backboard Size 36 L x 26cm W; Hoop Diameter 19cm; Basketball Diameter 10cm), a 2.3” 7 segment display (counter), a microswitch (with a lever extension) and attaching parts. Every time you score, the display records the increasing goal tally.

(The set may vary from the photo).


Infra Red Add On (1 hour)


This Infra Red Controller is an “Add-on” kit that is designed to be used with PAT’S 14M2 MICROCONTROLLER.

This kit provides all the necessary components to convert the Microcontroller to be controlled remotely. It consists of an Infrared remote and the additional parts that need to be soldered to the Microcontroller.


Hexapod Robot (4-15 hours)


This provides all the parts needed to build a 6 legged walking robot, which can go forward, in reverse, left and right. The legs are driven by 3 servo motors.

This project – the HEXAPOD ROBOT - is an Add-on project that is designed to be used with PAT’S 14M2 MICROCONTROLLER. 

It is a fun project that is aimed at expanding the students’ knowledge and experience of programming that was introduced by building the original microcontroller. This kit replaces the 10 LEDs supplied in the original kit, by mounting the microcontroller onto a HEXAPOD ROBOT base.

This kit is available in either clear acrylic or Plywood:
PLYWOOD HEXAPOD – price includes 3 servo motors, all linkages and fasteners etc.  (Code: HEXAPODBOTPLY)
ACRYLIC (CLEAR) HEXAPOD – price includes 3 servo motors, all linkages and fasteners etc.  (Code: HEXAPODBOTACR)


Robot Buggy (2-5 hours)


This project – the ROBOT BUGGY is an Add-on project that is designed to be used with PAT’S 14M2 MICROCONTROLLER. 

The ROBOT BUGGY has 2 independently driven wheels and a castor at the rear, with LEDs at the front and rear. Includes a small secondary PCB that allows it to reverse as well as turning. It is a fun project that is aimed at expanding the students’ knowledge and experience of programming that was introduced by building the original microcontroller.

 NOTE: This kit replaces the 10 LEDs supplied in the original kit, by mounting the microcontroller onto a buggy base.


Motor Drivers (suit Collector current –up to 0.5A) (1 hour) 


These parts are required if you plan to use the MICROCONTROLLER to drive small electric motors with a collector current less than 0.5 Amp.


Motor Drivers (suit High Collector current –1.2A) (1 hour)


These parts are required if you plan to use the MICROCONTROLLER to drive small electric motors with a collector current between 0.5 Amp and 1.2 Amps.


Pat has also developed several projects using other types of microcontrollers. Click here to see our Arduino compatible microcontroller page that includes more of Pat’s projects.