Dr FuelCell - Model Car

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Dr FuelCell - Model Car


Code: DRFUEL (Only 1 in stock)

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Ex-sample (never used, but distilled water removed by manufacturer due to air freight requirements). Lamp supplied with unit has European plug.
The Model Car can be used to teach the subject of renewable energies in an understandable manner at a lower secondary school level. Its pre-configured experiments make learning science curricula fun. Lamp and additional fuel cell included.

Features include:

  • Immediately ready to use; no further materials are needed

  • Curriculum-oriented instruction manual (Grades 5—10)

  • Instruction manual and teacher’s guide for experiments

  • Fast and easy preparation for classes with materials that can be copied and printed

  • Robust design and exceptional quality

  • Variable setup — fuel cell, solar and hybrid operation

  • Hand generator allows for flexible use in any location

  • Teaching Materials